Add a story to your Story Highlights

Add a story to an existing highlight

You can add stories to appear on your profile as highlights, even after they disappear. Highlights appear below your profile photo.
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap your profile picture in the top left to see your story.
  3. Tap highlight Highlight in the bottom right of the story or stories you want to add to your highlights.
  4. Select the highlight you want to add your story to.
You can also add stories to your highlight at any time by tapping and holding on the highlight and then tapping Edit highlight.

Create a new highlight

You can add stories to appear on your profile as highlights, even after they disappear. Highlights appear below your profile photo.
To add story highlights, log into the Instagram app for Android or iPhone and then follow the instructions below.
To add a story to a highlight:
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap New. If you don't see New, tap Story highlight.
  3. Tap to select the story or stories you want to add to the highlight, then tap Next in the top right.
  4. Tap Edit cover to choose a cover photo and enter a name for your highlight, then tap Add in the top right.
You can edit your highlight at any time by tapping on the highlight, tapping more actions in the bottom right, then tapping Edit highlight.
Note: Stories you add as highlights remain visible as highlights until you remove them, even after the original story has disappeared. Keep in mind that those you've allowed to see your story can also see your highlights.
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